The Role of Satellite in Our 5G Future

5G in the sky

The 5G era is here. Multigigabit speeds, ultra-low latency, and virtually unlimited capacity promise vast opportunities for innovation.

Now, these powerful benefits are within reach of both enterprises and consumers, with 1.8 billion 5G connections expected by 2025*.

Our powerful combination of Non-Geostationary Satellite Orbit and Geostationary Earth Orbit constellations creates a fast and cost-effective 5G journey for all.

*GSMA. (2022, 15 March). Mobile Momentum: 5G connections to surpass 1 billion in 2022, says GSMA.

Extraordinary possibilities

As 5G investment nears a trillion dollars, what are the opportunities?

Not all satellite networks are ready for 5G

…But we are.

To launch 5G in rural and remote areas, a satellite network must deliver:

High-throughput forward and return links
Uncontended bandwidth
Scalable links as demand increases
Reliable low latency
Seamless integration with the mobile core
Direct, private peering with major cloud platforms from any location
Guaranteed throughput

Satellite-enabled 5G and cloud computing

Could you be one of the first mobile networks to offer remote customers cloud-ready connectivity? 5G-ready satellite networks ensure that mobile operators deliver the full power of the cloud to any customer in any location.

Their capacity, availability, and speed enables the transfer of huge amounts of data for processing, analysis, and storage on cloud-based platforms. 5G networks also support edge and fog computing - efficient local processing of data before it is transferred to the cloud.

Case Study: The Cloud in a Crisis

The cloud plays an invaluable role in crisis situations, enabling governments to access critical data, facilitate response efforts, and ensure safety.

It's essential for geographies prone to natural disaster, such as Taiwan. Our O3b MEO technology guarantees its government access to cloud services during sustained network disruption, while meeting highly specific performance and security requirements.

5G crisis recovery in Taiwan - Read the blog

A world first with Microsoft

Satellite communications virtualisation programme

Network virtualisation enables operators to allocate resources to specific 5G customers or devices, using software alone – no complex hardware adjustments needed.

SES and Microsoft are creating the world's first fully virtualised satellite communications ground network, focusing on software-defined hubs, customer edge terminals, new virtual network functions, edge cloud applications, and more. It will align cloud and satellite network architectures to bridge the gap between terrestrial and non-terrestrial connectivity networks.

Man standing on remote platform overlooking wind turbines

Transforming industries with 5G

5G will propel remote industries into the digital era. For the first time, sectors such as energy, government and mining can seriously consider the cloud technology that has already transformed rivals.

New possibilities for mining, energy and government


Satellite extends 5G to remote mining sites to support automated equipment, site survey drones, and advanced sensor technology that enables more precise extraction.

Intelligent mining


Oil and Gas
The combination of 5G and edge computing enables offshore platforms to conduct real-time monitoring, improve operational efficiency and safety, and increase profitability.

5G and Energy


Satellite-enabled private 5G networks support institutional and military use cases with high performance and security requirements, such as communications-on-the-pause and video surveillance.

Maximise security

Introducing O3b mPOWER

Future-proof networks

For the unique requirements of 5G, MEO satellites provide the ideal combination of low latency, ultra-high throughput, bidirectional link performance, and the ability to achieve coverage of 95% of the world’s population.

O3b mPOWER, our next-generation MEO constellation, supports future-proof applications by delivering seamless, universal 5G coverage. With O3b mPOWER, MNOs can take their 5G strategy further by de-risking the investment and reducing 5G deployments costs.

Enabling 5G with O3b mPOWER

The MEO Advantage

SES’s O3b MEO constellation and next-generation O3b mPOWER satellite communications system provide unparalleled performance and dedicated connectivity from any site to any cloud service provider.

Uncontended capacity available
Predictable low latency
Return path bandwidth up to 600Mbps
Direct links to top-tier cloud providers
Scalability up to multiple gigabits per second per terminal

Dive into the details

Everything you need to know about bringing 5G to your customers.


Mobile backhaul service brief
Maximise network expansion in the Americas with managed mobile backhaul.

Download the brief


Your path to 5G
Simplify your path to 5G profitability.

Download the guide


5G readiness guide
How to leverage every 5G opportunity.

Download the guide


Empowering 5G eBook
Empowering 5G Beyond Backhaul


Read more about 5G and SES

The first live UHD broadcast using VVC
Every decade, a new video encoding scheme is developed. Today, VVC (Versatile Video Coding) promises more-efficient video delivery.

Read our blog

Antenna park_image

The next-gen satellite system supercharging 5G
O3b mPOWER arrives just in time to boost 5G acceleration beyond urban centres with its unbeatable reach, high throughput, and low latency.

Read the blog


Helping partners test satellite-enabled 5G
SES is opening up new options for mobile operators who are unaware of how satellite could seamlessly extend the reach of their networks.

Read the blog


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